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BEHIND THE SCENES of Murray McMurray Hatchery


The first hatchery we ever ordered chicks from was Murrary McMurray Hatchery in Fall 2016. Now, two years later, we have the privilege of touring their facility & showing how it's all done for the internet to see.

Our day started at 6 AM, getting the history of the company from head of marketing, Ashley Watkins. We moved on to the sexing room - where two spend each day quickly determining the sex of the chicks using the vent & wing methods.

From there, we were introduced to Ashley's husband, Tom, the Vice President of McMurray Hatchery. He took us through the incubators... the newest ones holding 110,000 eggs each - & they have 3 of them! This was the slower part of the year... so they (only) hatch out 25,000 chicks/week, with the peak season being as many as 125,000 chicks/week.

We moved onto the hatching room where today's chicks were all hatching & being counted, sorted & moved to either the sexing room or to the shipment floor.

Then the exciting part... seeing all of the chicks converge on the shipping room! Learning about vaccinations, seeing how a customer's box is loaded & prepared for shipping & getting to see our chicks!

That's right... we needed meat birds to fill our freezers with chicken meat for the winter. So a big incentive for us to go to the hatchery was to pick out some Cornish Cross meat birds. We did pick out 6 other chicks that we'll share in the next video.

Murray McMurray Hatchery is the top seller of rare breeds & the gold standard for hatcheries. When looking to get your next batch of chickens, we hope you'll consider them!

Get your free catalog or order some chicks:

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