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We bought THIS animal on Craigslist


We had a choice to make... buy a new tom turkey to replace our deceased King Arthur or sell our turkey hen and start over with baby turkey poults. We took the advice of our viewer's and looked on Craigslist for a Royal Palm tom turkey and found one that looked great that was only an hour away. We met up with Lance and Cayla in Independence, MO and were delightfully surprised that they were viewers of ours!

After taking a tour of Cayla's animals (Chickens, Ducks, Goats, Pigs, Rabbits, and Turkeys) we brought home a new tom turkey that needs a new name! We put the tom in an enclosed part of our chicken run to quarantine him for two days from our main flock. We do that for a few reasons... the main one is to prevent spreading new disease to the flock. We're able to monitor the turkey's health and give him our feed and water so he can adjust. Secondly, he is able to see the main flock from the chicken run, so he can begin to adjust to his surroundings.

If you'd like to keep up with Cayla's farm animals, you can follow her on Instagram.

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